Byers’ Choice has been handcrafting the Carolers® Figurines for 40 years.
In our Bucks County, Pa workshop, we continue the tradition of making each Caroler by hand ... the same way that Joyce began on her kitchen table so many years ago.
Today, dozens of skilled Artisans bring Joyce’s vision to life as they proudly create each unique figurine. If you’d like a peek behind the scenes, our Byers’ Choice visitor's center offers an afternoon of fun and Christmas spirit for both the young and young at heart!
Christmas Museum | Creche Collection | Gift Shop | Formal Gardens
The Christmas Museum
A special treat for Christmas enthusiasts is a trip to the Byers’ Choice Christmas Museum. Start with a short film about our company's history inside a Victorian theater. Next walk down a cobblestone street scene straight out of Dickens’ London and peer through the windows of shops and homes filled with Christmas displays. Then onto the museum with hundreds of Carolers and Kindles on display in heartwarming vignettes, as well as depictions of Christmas traditions from around the world.
Another surprise is a trip to the North Pole, with the Kindles inhabiting every nook and cranny. From finishing last-minute toys to baking Christmas cookies, the Kindles are always striking just the right balance between work and fun at the holidays. This vision of Santa's workshop is just what every child imagines, complete with gingerbread houses, lots of snow, and even some Kindles sneaking off to the ski slopes!
And last, a favorite part of the museum tour is the Observation Deck where visitors can watch the artisans bring the Carolers to life (weekdays). From time to time, viewers can see Joyce on the workshop floor!

The Créche Collection
The nativity is a special sight at Christmas around the globe as it is a reminder of the first Christmas.
Our Créche Collection has more than 200 crèches, or nativities, from around the world. The crèches vary in size, details and style but they are all amazing in their own special way! The highlight of the collection is an antique 18th century Italian presepio on display year round.
The Gift Shop
The Byers’ Choice Gift Shop has the widest variety of Caroler® figurines to be seen. In addition to all of the Byers’ Choice products, we have a great selection of Christmas treasures — handpicked by Joyce. You’ll find a great selection of fancy foods, jewelry, woman’s accessories and specialty gifts!